Help your kids cope with test anxiety

Sometimes , kid doesn't  understand why they feeling anxious ,(why they  are having the butterflies in their stomach).  

A certain amount of stress is good .why? 

Because it makes you to prepare yourself ahead, and  pay more attention to what you should know. The stress feeling is a signal,alarming that you have to do something. Most especially, in class,you have to pay more attention, to listen well , to study well ,  to look more. The more you do that,they will do better in their test.

Why kid need help to cope with test anxiety ?

Our kid needs help,because over anxiety can have negative impacts on them. And some of them are
Self diminishing
Memory recall issue
Lack of confidence
Shortness of breath
Lack of concentration

Learning should be fun

If learning is fun ,it will be more effective . Fun has a positive effect on motivation levels, determining what we learn and how much we retain. It requires repetition and dedication. If the experience is fun, kids will stay curious and keep coming back for more. For example, kids do sit for hours playing games,watching episodes and so on . It shows that the more they integrate inside, the more their minds remember why they need to know or do. Learning should be more fun and engaging. Having more fun and being excited about learning  increases brain activity and reduce anxiety

Before, your kid start their test or examination. Help them to feel calm and to feel comfortable. Prepare with them,if possible, ask them questions , let them express themselves. Tell your child " see yourself comfortable, see you are doing well to get grades you want".

When the kid get their test result back,we point out their mistake(those behind the green mark) so that, they can remember where they need to work on. You can say " whatever we can do in life,we can do more of it. Because you do the right thing, learn from it ,so that you can do more better next time."

Every invention start from your mind,whatever a person visualize, feel happen,hear happen, see happen,the more vivid,the more brain has direction to go into it. Like a GPS ,you put it in address,it goes there. Each person has the freewill to do they want, but to become successful, one has to be guided. Don't abandon your kid to do everything they want,they can act strangely at times.parent's main responsibilities is to guide them in a loving manner

Help your kid set long-term Goals

Planning for your kids is tantamount to planning for yourself. Because their success is your success, you need to know who they are,what they want and respect their decision, and you should let them know, why this is wrong, why that is good. Help them understand why all their choices leads to the same goal. Each time you get up from bed ask yourself :"How do l want my day to go? And what do I need to do?  You may not know exactly what you need to do. But, your brain will figure out what you need to do because you have set out the destination and it happens easier, more effortlessly than if you did imagine it

Having their goal in mind,will help them to continue to improve and be more and more better in their learning skills.

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