How to be who you really are?

Know yourself

Know yourself " is the fundamental  issue that needed more attention before setting good priority for oneself .These includes 




and readiness

.Ask yourself " What habit do you have,that you need to change?What do you struggle with that makes you feel uncomfortable,when making important decision in your life?"

For example, if you find it hard to get up early routine or you prefers T-shirt to suit, you would not apply for white collar job

On the other hand,if you don't have the ability, the passion to become entrepreneur, then,why go for it.

If you do,you may end up frustrating yourself and those around you.

All humans have different strength and different weaknesses. So, find where your strength  are and focus on it.

Being entrepreneur is not what everyone can aspire for,likewise being an employee.


Write your weaknesses, and if you are sincere to yourself, your answers will not contradict your weaknesses. 


Think about what you needed to do,you can as well seek advice from experienced and successful person you know or make research to help you improve and make better changes.


Set a goal and make a plan for it.

Write down your  plans,the timelines,and take action.

As you plan your career,create a path that compliment your idea.Doing otherwise, can cause you to struggle and lack behind

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